Critical Conversations in Universal Healthcare

Advancing Healthcare Podcast Series - Season 2
A Perspective: Innovation and Value-added Healthcare
with Saul Kornik
There are few sectors as ready as healthcare for innovation. Systems across the globe are undergoing significant change, and leaders have to think out of the box, both in terms of managing scarce resources and harnessing technology for improved outcomes at reduced costs. Health entrepreneur Saul Kornick, in conversation with Michael Mol has an interesting perspective.
Live Episodes
Season 2 Episode #3
System Disruption for Better Quality Healthcare
with Dr. Anja Smith and Prof. Shivani Ranchod
Season 2 Episode #2
System Disruption for Better Quality Healthcare
with Dr. Anja Smith and Prof. Shivani Ranchod
Episode #5
Universal Healthcare and the Economy. A Deep Dive. - Part 2
with Dr. Paula Armstrong
Episode #4
Universal Healthcare and the Economy. A Deep Dive. - Part 1
with Dr. Paula Armstrong
Episode #2
Prioritise Rural Health for Universal Healthcare.
with Russel Rensburg
Coming Soon