HASA In Durban

Earlier this week the Hospital Association of South Africa visited the lovely city of Durban to meet with stakeholders and discuss our work and the recently unveiled National Health Insurance and Medical Schemes Amendment Bills and the Healthcare Market Inquiry Provisional Report. We wanted to remove the sometimes misleading partisan debates and hysterical media outpouring […]

HASA Welcomes Leadership in Healthcare from the President


Last Friday, President Ramaphosa announced that his office would become deeply involved in the building and implementation of consensus towards universal health coverage at a stakeholder engagement session in Gauteng. The Hospital Association of South Africa welcomes this step and the President’s visible leadership as well as his and the National Treasury’s hand-on approach in […]

30 Days Left!


We are only 30 days away from the annual Hospital Association of South Africa Conference, this year at The Form in Bryanston in Johannesburg. We are thrilled to announce that among the speakers are the ex-Deputy Commissioner of the United Kingdom Competition and Markets Authority, a specialist in value-based healthcare strategies who works closely with […]

How State Lawyers Have Robbed SA Blind, to the Tune of R80bn – Report

The Citizen. Government has discovered one of the biggest scams in SA history involving medical malpractice lawsuits. A report in Sunday Times reveals that a furious Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has uncovered possibly one of the greatest scams of state funds in South African history. According to the paper, government is investigating collusion between people suing government hospitals […]

Rising Wages and Interest Costs a Slippery Slope – Treasury Official

The Citizen. South Africa’s public finances are moving in the wrong direction as the country is spending an increasing proportion of its budget on wages and servicing debt, a Treasury official has warned. “I think a good measure of a country that is not managing its finances [well] is one that spends its money on […]

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