360 Degree View: Public Investment Corporation Funding Healthcare
This week’s news has been full of discussion about whether the Public Investment Corporation, which manages the Government Employee Pension Fund assets, should fund aspects of public health, such as hospital infrastructure renewal and refurbishment. Here’s a comprehensive summary of the various views published in the media. MedicalBrief provides a thorough summary of the department’s […]
Two new private hospitals get the green light in Newcastle
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
Life Healthcare concludes agreement to sub-license RM2
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
Icon Oncology launches state-of-the-art full-service oncology centre in Johannesburg.
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
Mediclinic manager addresses media
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
Netcare digitisation programme makes it the single-largest buyer of iPads in southern hemisphere
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
Eden Gardens Private Hospital recognises long-serving staff
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
SPONSORED | Kiaat Private Hospital Doctors Golf Day raises funds for worthy cause
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
Life Healthcare’s bold pivot: From hospitals to high-tech diagnostics
The secret wepaon in a fight against cardiovascular disease could just be a click away.
Smart Lockers Dispensing Medicines Bring an End to Long Waits at Hospitals Across the Country.
Collect&Go smart lockers are taking off. So much so that somewhere in South Africa a patient will make the 450,000th collection in next two months. Over the last three years, 149,789 patients have used the technology to avoid the usual long queues at many of the country’s medical facilities. It is an uptake that has […]