HASA Announces New Board

HASA Announces New Board

At the Annual General Meeting of the Hospital Association of South Africa, members elected a new Board of Directors, with some returning to office and a few new faces joining to lend their expertise and insights.

Andre Joseph from Life Healthcare stepped down from the Chair, which is being taken up for the upcoming year by Netcare’s Director of Healthcare Policy and Chief Executive Officer at Netcare Akeso, Melanie Da Costa. Melanie will be supported by Deputy Chair Gale Shabangu from Mediclinic and longstanding Treasurer Tienie van den Berg. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr Dumisani Bomela, is the executive on the Board.

Exciting newcomers to the Board are

  • Mande Toubkin from Netcare, who also received the HASA Excellence in Healthcare Award at the Association’s just-ended annual conference,
  • Milton Streak, who is steeped in operational excellence at Mediclinic and
  • Charles Vikisi is a Netcare Alternate Director who brings his legal expertise to the Board.

Returning Directors are:

  • Vishnu Rampartabh from Joint Medical Holdings
  • Mark Bishop from Lenmed,
  • Andre Joseph from Life Healthcare,
  • Monyebodi Ngoepe from Mediclinic,
  • Paul Soko from Life Healthcare,
  • Raymond Foster from the Day Hospital Association of South Africa,
  • Dr Biancha Mentoor from Netcare,
  • Prathna Sookoo from Life Healthcare and
  • Amrita Raniga, who is a Life Healthcare Alternate Director.

Dr Biren Valodia resigned from the Board earlier in 2024. Dr Ramesh Bhoola, the recipient of a HASA CEO Lifetime Achiever Award, and the Netcare Alternate Director, Dr Nceba Ndzwayiba, have also opted to step down from the board.

Announcing the Board at the Conference, the incoming Chairman echoed her predecessor’s comment that the biggest challenge facing the Association and everyone in healthcare is overcoming inequity in health. She declared that the association stands ready to collaborate to build an accessible, sustainable, and quality health system.

For more on the Board, please click here.



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