Mediclinic manager addresses media

GEORGE NEWS & VIDEO – Five (5) of the 18 patients admitted to Mediclinic George from the Victoria Street collapsed building, have been discharged.

Speaking to the media at the hospital, Mediclinic General Manager Kassie Karstens confirmed that 3 of the patients have passed away (please note the figure given in the video is incorrect).

Of the 10 still in hospital, 4 are in ICU of whom 1 is to be transferred to Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town.

He spoke about the amazing cooperation of staff, doctors, specialists and George Hospital from Monday when disaster struck and they were alerted. “It’s a team effort. The moment you come together, anything is possible.”

He said regular drills for disaster situations ensured that everyone knew what to do as soon as patients started arriving. “The moment something like this happens you go on autopilot and you know what to do.”

Karstens spoke before Western Cape Health MEC Nomafrench Mbombo arrived for a visit to the hospital. They are inside at the moment.

VIDEO: Mediclinic manager addresses media | Video: Alida de Beer


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