The Presidential Health Compact Signed, HASA Responds

The Presidential Health Compact Signed, HASA Responds

The Presidential Health Compact Signed, HASA Responds

To read the speech by His Excellency, President Cyril Ramaphosa at the signing of the Presidential Health Compact, please click this link.

The Hospital Association of South Africa has released the statement below in response to the signing of the Presidential Health Compact and in response to the recent Health Budget Speech delivered by the Minister of Health, Dr Zwelini Mkhize.

“Today, the President led the signing of the Presidential Health Compact that emerged from the Presidential Health Summit which took place late last year. The Hospital Association of South Africa welcomes this important milestone. It is through collaborative initiatives such as this commitment by all health systems role players that we will create lasting solutions that strengthen health delivery, improve health outcomes, and build access to quality healthcare for all.

The signing of the Presidential Health Compact follows the recent Health Budget Speech and Vote where the Minister of Health, Dr Zwelini Mkhize announced an extensive programme of the refurbishment of health institutions that will be undertaken over the next five to seven years. The Minister also announced that a significant number of vacant posts will be filled and that there will be a refocus on the priority health needs of vulnerable groups. These initiatives will occur alongside the tabling of the National Health Insurance Bill for further discussion and are all to be welcomed.

We look forward to contributing to the implementation of the Presidential Health Compact, and to continuing to collaborate meaningfully to support healthcare delivery, including through ongoing public-private patient procedures to help reduce public health waiting lists.”

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