Online articles:
- Johann Serfontein in Business Day argues that the price of NHI is fundamental to assessing its viability
- Rapport points to the failures of the NHI pilot sites
- The Minister says the estimated cost of the NHI is a thumb suck
- Sunday Times reports on umbrella medical schemes as proposed by actuary Shivani Ranchod
- Clinix Group declares itself ‘excited’ by the NHI
- Finally Shanthi Naidoo at IOL asks whether the Minister is Mr Fix or My Hyde?
- The Minister calls private healthcare robbery.”
- A former head of the Junior Doctors Association says: “We really do not need the National Health Insurance“
- Alex van den Heever says the announced Bills are long on objective and short on substance
- Kerry Culling argues that the real problem is not how much the NHI costs but the state of public healthcare
- TimesLive quotes the Minister saying there are oncology machines but no oncologists to use them