Renowned Community Health Activist Gets Award
According to BusinessLive, renowned community health activist, Dr Sophia Kisting-Cairncross, was awarded the President of Convocation Medal at the University of Cape Town (UCT). The medal is awarded annually by the president of convocation to a UCT alumnus who has made a significant contribution to the common good. Kisting-Cairncross is the executive director of the National […]
Department Promises Extra Vigilance on Mental Health NGOs
Bizcommunity. Having learnt lessons from the Life Esidimeni tragedy, the Gauteng Department has taken extraordinary measures to increase the number of audits at mental health non-governmental organisations (NGOs), it said, after issuing 133 licences of compliance for the 2018/19 financial year. Read more.
Discovery Health Warns Against Fierce Flu Season
eHeath News. Head of the Centre for Clinical Excellence at Discovery Health, Dr Noluthando Nematswerani, is urging the medical scheme’s members to get the flu shot following the surge of cases in the US that have led to higher number of hospitalisations, serious infections and in some cases, death. Read more.