HASA Congratulates Professor Bongani Mayosi

HASA Congratulates Professor Bongani Mayosi

The Hospital Association of South Africa wishes to congratulate Professor Bongani Mayosi of the University of Cape Town’s Faculty of Health Sciences on his election to the National Academy of Medicine.

As reported in the Daily Dispatch, “his election is considered one of the highest honours in the fields of health and medicine and recognises individuals who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and commitment to service.”

“Professor Mayosi is the latest in a long line of outstanding leaders in the fields of medicine and healthcare to emerge from South Africa, and we are thrilled at his election and his recognition by his peers for a lifetime of accomplishment and hard work,” says Dr Dumisani Bomela, CEO of the Hospital Association of South Africa.

Professor Mayosi has since 2011 advised the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, on the policy and strategy for health research in his capacity as the National Health Research Committee chairman, according to the media report.


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