An extract from the White Paper compiled at the Bellagio Hotel in the United States reads: “There is a hidden capacity crisis in the district level public health workforce. The crisis is that district health managers often lack the skills, orientation, and motivation required to create a healthy physical and social environment. Too often, district health managers are diverted away from public health practice by the important work of managing public clinical facilities in order to deliver personal medical services. Managing clinical facilities is an immense task and often crowds out the managers’ ability to attend to population level health prevention activities. Because district health management posts are staffed, the absence of public health practice does not manifest as an absence of staff. When doctors and nurses are absent and not attending to the sick, the human resource crisis is visible and has been well documented. When district health managers are present, but diverted from practicing public health, the crisis can remain invisible for many years.” Download the report by clicking bellagiowhitepaper.