Nursing: A Profession in Peril?

Nursing: A Profession in Peril?

Extract from a report by Professor Laetitia Rispel from the Wits School of Public Health: “The evidence shows that nursing is a profession in peril, which requires major attention and revitalisation. The challenges faced by nurses and the nursing profession include weaknesses in the policy capacity of the main institutions responsible for the leadership and governance of nursing in South Africa, and a nursing practice environment that is fraught with resource, management and quality of care problems. The practice environment is also influenced directly by agency work and moonlighting, which in turn contribute to poor staying power, low energy levels, abuse of leave, sub-optimal nursing care, split loyalties and accountability, and erosion of professionalism. Revitalising nursing requires concerted efforts by government and key stakeholders to improve and modernise resources for a positive work environment.” Download the full report by clicking on the following link: A-profession-in-peril-Revitalising-nursing-in-South-Africa 2

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